Dominant attention was targeted again at the problematics of cardiovascular system diseases and their monitoring, questions related to the diagnosis and therapy of sepsis. If the participant did not want to gain new information in this traditional way; it would be possible to fullfill oneself at the poster presentations or participare actively in many available discussions about various intensive care topics. In the foreground of these symposia, there was a chance to participare in more than 20 rigorously prepared minisimualations centers. During one of the simulation we were able to successfully insert the cannula and connect our "patient" on VV ECMO.
On the area of 1600 sqm, we could try out new devices from more than 79 presenting companies. Traditionally, the devices used for alternative airway management and invasive accesses allured the greatest attention.
The president of congress mentionted the fact, that nowadays, the active participation of young doctors and women, working in intensive care, increases rapidly. We can expect this trend to continue also next year in Berlin, which is a host city for the next ESICM congress.