Lecture of profesor Poulton from London, UK

We are glad to invite you to the lecture of profesor Terrence Alan Poulton "Integration of low- and hi-fidelity simulations to maximize the pedagogical value of technology-enhanced medical education". The lecture will take place at University Campus on 30th of November 2017 at 2pm.


Professor T. A. Poulton is the Head of the e-Learning Unit at St George’s University of London – a research and service unit with research focussed chiefly on innovation in the field of virtual patients and curriculum transformation through scenario-based learning. He has obtained 28 national and international grants in that time. His four most relevant major European grants include (i) leadership of the successful EC-funded programme eViP which, researched the feasibility of, and then developed, a bank of VPs for European-wide use (ii) the development of the Tempus ePBLnet programme, and also leading the curriculum transformation element of that project, (iii) the EC-funded WAVES project. He has authored and co-authored more than 80 publications, and delivered more than 60 keynote presentations. 

12. 11. 2017 ....let´s meet in Brno....