Imaging and Management of Whole Body Trauma

Portal AKUTNE.CZ, which is the media partner of the international conference named Imaging and Management of Whole Body Trauma, brings you video recordings and PDF of presented English lectures.

The conference took place in the city of Brno, Czech Republic, on 3rd May 2013.


Broadcast partners are


Imaging and Management of Whole body trauma

(created at: 18.5.2013, last modification: 1.10.2017)
Muto Mario Naples

The role of Whole Body MDCT Angiography in blunt polytrauma

(created at: 18.5.2013, last modification: 1.10.2017)
Munera Felipe Miami

Imagining and Management of Whole body trauma

(created at: 6.5.2013, last modification: 22.4.2021)
Muto Mario Naples

Whole Body CTA for severe blunt polytrauma

(created at: 6.5.2013, last modification: 22.4.2021)
Munera Felipe Miami

07. 05. 2013
body imaging
damage control surgery