This year SESAM conference was visited by 750 participants, it was held from 15th to 17th June in Sevilla, Spain. There were 9 keynote presentations, Z42 workshops and 71 parallel sessions delivered with 112 hours of specialized content. The delegation from the Czech Republic both from Prague and Brno was numerous.
One of the workshops led by Walter Eppich was named „Telling a Compelling Story to Publish your Ideas and Research: Academic Writing“ He presented to us two articles- one before and one after he went through a similar type of workshop and the difference was incredible. The updated text was easy to read, stated clearly what the problém was, where the gap is and why it is important to address it (problem- gap- hook).
During his second workshop: „Thinking qualitatively about educational research“ Walter explained, how to approach qualitative research in simulation- as we want to understand the topic, rather than measure it- we are used to this way of thinking from our quantitative research. He mentioned, the structure of the correct text structure and what does he- as an editor- appreciates when reviewing the articles. Both workshops offered new insights, ideas and „must-read articles“.
Another amazing workshop was led by Andrea Lenes: How to communicate effectively as a leader in difficult conversations. Training with simulated patients“. We have learnt what are the important points to be kept in mind while creating simulated patient scenarios (who am I, where am I, what am I doing here and what is the situation…). We also have to take into account that details are really important when preparing a simulated patient scenario.
Overall this was for me one great congress which I could have spent with amazing people in a beautiful city. The Czech delegation was active and our scientific contributions were highly rated. The whole event had good vibes and offered me new views on simulation medicine. I am very grateful I could b there and I encouraged anyone to join us next year for SESAM 2023 in Lisabon.