Awards of the AKUTNĚ.CZ portal


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2024: 1st place – Dávid Bublavý, Jakub Hruba, Ondřej Brýdl
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2024: 2nd place – Barbora Zubíková, Lucia Marethová, Soňa Molčanová
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2024: 5th place – Daniel Diabelko, Jirka Holek, Lukáš Hajdúch
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2024: 8th place – Barbora Horniaková, Matúš Surovčák, Veronika Krátká
  • Rozkoš Rescue: 16th place – Jiří Holek, Daniel Diabelko, Lukáš Hajdúch, and Tomáš Luffer
  • Fellow of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (ESAIC): Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • ČSARIM Award for Lifetime Achievement and Significant Contribution to the Field: Martina Klincová, MD, DESAIC
  • Göttinger Award ČSARIM: Prof. Pavel Ševčík, MD, CSc.
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality (in memoriam): Roman Kraus, MD, MBA
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Ivo Křikava, MD, Ph.D.
  • Jiří Mach Award: MUDr. Tereza Bönischová

MUSILOVÁ, Tereza, et al. COVID-19-associated paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS-TS) in intensive care: a retrospective cohort trial (PIMS-TS INT). Children, 2023, 10.2: 348. (IF 2.0, Q2 in the Pediatrics category)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2023: 4th place – David Bublavý, Klára Dolinová, Jakub Hruba
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2023: 8th place – Jiří Holek, Daniel Diabelko, Lukáš Hajdúch
  • Keszler Award ČSARIM: MUDr. Tereza Prokopová, MUDr. Jan Hudec

PROKOPOVÁ, Tereza, et al. Palliative care practice and moral distress during the COVID-19 pandemic (PEOpLE-C19 study): a national, cross-sectional study in intensive care units in the Czech Republic. Critical Care, 2022, 26.1: 221. (IF 15.1)

  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Martina Klincová, MD

KLINCOVÁ, Martina, et al. Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2022, 129.2: e41–e43. (IF 9.8)

  • Kalenda Award ČSARIM: Tereza Prokopová, MD

Prokopová, T., Vafková, T., Vafek, V., Barvík, D., Kosinová, M., & Štourač, P. (2022). První pomoc.

  • ČSARIM Award for Lifetime Achievement and Significant Contribution to the Field: Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • Best Poster Award at the XXIX ČSARIM Congress: Tamara Skříšovská, MD, DESAIC
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Roman Štoudek, MD
  • Jiří Mach Award: Tereza Prokopová, MD, Jan Hudec, MD

Prokopová, T., Hudec, J., Vrbica, K., Stašek, J., Pokorná, A, Štourač, P, et al. Palliative care practice and moral distress during the COVID-19 pandemic (PEOpLE-C19 study): a national, cross-sectional study in intensive care units in the Czech Republic. Critical Care 26, 221 (2022). (IF 15.1, Q1 and 4/35 in the Critical Care Medicine category)

  • Jiří Mach Award: Martina Klincová, MD

KLINCOVÁ, Martina, Dagmar ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Ivana SCHRÖDEROVÁ, Eva KLABUSAYOVÁ, Edita OŠŤÁDALOVÁ, Iveta VALÁŠKOVÁ, Lenka FAJKUSOVÁ, Jana ZÍDKOVÁ, Renata GAILLYOVÁ and Petr ŠTOURAČ. Malignant hyperthermia in Czechia and Slovakia. British Journal of Anaesthesia. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 129, no. 2, pp. e41–e43, 3 pages. ISSN 0007-0912. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2022.04.029. (IF 9.8, Q1, T10 and 2/35 in the Anesthesiology category)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2022: 5th place – Jana Šoltysová, Dávid Bublavý, Karolína Teimerová
  • Aesculap Academie Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education in Healthcare: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD, MBA
  • Fellow of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (ESAIC): Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD, MBA
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Assoc. Prof. Daniel Schwarz, MSc., PhD
  • Jiří Mach Award: Eva Klabusayová, MD, DESAIC

Klabusayová E., Klučka J., Kosinová M., Ťoukálková M., Štoudek R., Kratochvíl M., Mareček L., Svoboda M., Jabandžiev P., Urík M. and Štourač P. Videolaryngoscopy vs. Direct Laryngoscopy for Elective Airway Management in Paediatric Anaesthesia: A prospective randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 1187–1193. ISSN 0265-0215. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001595.


  • Masaryk University Rector's Award for Outstanding Research Achievements for Young Scientists: Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • Masaryk University Rector's Award for Innovations in Teaching: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • Keszler Award ČSARIM: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Klučka, PhD

Klucka, J., Szturzova, K., Kosinova, M., Knoppova, L., Toukalkova, M., Stoudek, R., ... & Stourac, P. (2020). Depth of neuromuscular blockade and the perioperative conditions in laparoscopic surgery in the pediatric population: a randomized controlled pilot trial. (IF 9.452)

  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Klučka, PhD

Klucka, J., Kosinova, M., Zacharowski, K., De Hert, S., Kratochvil, M., Toukalkova, M., ... & Stourac, P. (2020). Rapid sequence induction: an international survey. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 37(6), 435–442. (IF 4.330)

  • ČSARIM Medaille for Significant Contributions to the Field: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • Werner von Siemens Award for Best Educator: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • Honorary Recognition from ČLS JEP for Educational and Scientific Achievements in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Klučka, PhD
  • Honorary Recognition from ČLS JEP for Educational and Scientific Achievements in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine: Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Prof. Pavel Ševčík, MD, CSc.
  • Jiří Mach Award: Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Klucka J, Kosinova M, Zacharowski K, De Hert S, Kratochvil M, Toukalkova M, Stoudek R, Zelinkova H, Stourac P. Rapid sequence induction: An international survey. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2020 Jun;37(6):435–442. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001194. (IF 4.33, Q2, Anesthesiology)


  • Keszler Award ČSARIM: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Klučka, PhD

Klucka, J., Kosinová, M., Krikava, I., Stoudek, R., Toukalkova, M., & Stourac, P. (2019). Residual neuromuscular block in paediatric anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 122(1), e1–e2. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.10.001 (IF 6.880)

  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD

Stourac P, Kosinova M, Blaha J, Grochova M, Klozova R, Noskova P, et al. Changes in caesarean section anaesthesia between 2011 and 2015: Czech and Slovak national surveys. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. October 2019;36(10):801–803. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001063.

  • ČSARIM Medaille for Exceptional Contributions to the Field: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • Bronze JMK Medal: Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Elena Kostelníková, MD, née Krátká
  • Jiří Mach Award: Assoc. Prof. Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Stourac P, Kosinova M, Blaha J, Grochova M, Klozova R, Noskova P, et al. Changes in caesarean section anaesthesia between 2011 and 2015: Czech and Slovak national surveys. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. October 2019;36(10):801–803. (IF 4.5, Q1 according to WoS in the Anesthesiology category)

  • Jiří Mach Award: Martina Klincová, MD

Klincova M, Harazim H, Schwarz D, Kosinova M, Smekalova O, Stourac P. What Can Be Achieved With Motivation-Based Teaching of Medical Students? A Monocentric Retrospective Audit of Retention Among Highly Motivated Graduates Who Underwent the Learning-by-Doing Concept in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. JMIR Serious Games. April 9, 2019;7(2):e10155. (IF 3.53, Q2 according to WoS in the Medical Informatics category)


  • Rallye Rejvíz RLP/FS: 1st place – Deana Slovjaková, MD, Dominika Machajdíková, MD, Michal Vondráček, MD, Jan Oplt
  • Rallye Rejvíz RLP/FS: 4th place – Tereza Novotná, MD, Pavla Miřátská, MD, Tereza Musilová, MD, Michal Návoj, MD
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Zuzana Olexová, MD, née Markuseková
  • Jiří Mach Award: Jozef Klučka, MD, PhD

Klucka J, Kosinova M, Krikava I, Stoudek R, Toukalkova M, Stourac P. Residual Neuromuscular Blockade in Paediatric Anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2019 Jan;122(1):e1–e2. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.10.001. (IF 6.199, Q1 according to WoS in the Anesthesiology category)

  • Keszler Award ČSARIM: Hana Harazim, MD, et al.

Harazim H, Stourac P, Janku P, Zelinkova H, Frank K, Dufek M, Stourac P. Obstetric anesthesia/analgesia does not affect disease course in multiple sclerosis: a 10-year retrospective cohort study. Brain and Behavior, Hoboken: Wiley, 2018, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1–9. ISSN 2162-3279. doi:10.1002/brb3.1082. PubMed PMID: WOS:000445850000014.

  • Kalenda Award ČSARIM: Assoc. Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD

SEIDLOVÁ, Dagmar, ŠTOURAČ Petr, et al. Perioperative Medicine Not Only for Practical Physicians. Mladá fronta, 2018.

  • Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award (Postgraduate Students): Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Kosinová M. et al. Rocuronium versus suxamethonium for rapid sequence induction of general anaesthesia for caesarean section: influence on neonatal outcomes. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, November 2017;32:4–10.


  • Best Paper Award in the International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia: Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Kosinova et al. Rocuronium versus suxamethonium for rapid sequence induction of general anesthesia for caesarean section: influence on neonatal outcomes. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, November 2017;32:4–10.

  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2018: 2nd place – Tereza Novotná, Pavla Miřátská, Tereza Musilová
  • Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award for Contribution to Clinical Medicine: Assoc. Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award for Best Doctoral Publication: Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • Masaryk University Rector's Award for Outstanding Doctoral Students: Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD
  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Kosinová M. et al. Rocuronium versus suxamethonium for rapid sequence induction of general anaesthesia for caesarean section: influence on neonatal outcomes. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, November 2017;32:4–10.

  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Zuzana Hricišinová, MD, née Ďurišová
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Giant of the Decade (AKUTNĚ.CZ): Karel Pelikán, MD
  • Jiří Mach Award: Adéla Krajčová, MD, Martina Kosinová, MD, PhD

Kosinova M, Stourac P, Adamus M, Seidlova D, Pavlik T, Janku P, Krikava I, Mrozek Z, Prochazka M, Klucka J, Stoudek R, Bartikova I, Harazim H, Robotkova H, Hejduk K, Hodicka Z, Kirchnerova M, Francakova J, Pyszkova LO, Hlozkova J, Sevcik P. Rocuronium versus suxamethonium for rapid sequence induction of general anaesthesia for caesarean section: influence on neonatal outcomes. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, November 2017;32:4–10. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2017.05.001. (IF 3.404, Q1 according to WoS in the Gynecology category (10/82), Q2 according to WoS in the Anesthesiology category (8/31). Best Paper Award in IJOA 2017)

Krajčová A, Løvsletten NG, Waldauf P, Frič V, Elkalaf M, Urban T, Anděl M, Trnka J, Thoresen GH, Duška F. Effects of Propofol on Cellular Bioenergetics in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells. Critical Care Medicine. March 2018;46(3):e206–e212. (IF 6.63, Q1 according to WoS in the Critical Care Medicine category)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2017: 3rd place – Dominika Machajdíková, Deana Slovjaková, Leonid Levkov
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2017: 5th place – Tereza Novotná, Pavla Miřátská, Tereza Musilová
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2017: 7th place – Marta Juřeníková, Eva Klabusayová, Lenka Zavadilová
  • Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award for the Most Significant Contribution to the Development of Clinical Medicine in 2017: Assoc. Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD, and Martina Kosinová, MD

Stourac et al. Low-dose or high-dose rocuronium reversed with neostigmine or sugammadex for cesarean delivery anesthesia: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of time to tracheal intubation and extubation. Anesthesia & Analgesia.

  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Assoc. Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD

Stourac P, Adamus M, Seidlova D, et al. Low-dose or high-dose rocuronium reversed with neostigmine or sugammadex for cesarean delivery anesthesia: a randomized controlled noninferiority trial of time to tracheal intubation and extubation. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2016;122:1536–1545.

  • ČSARIM Award for Work in the Field and Contribution to Its Development: Assoc. Prof. Petr Štourač, MD, PhD
  • AKUTNĚ.CZ Personality: Eliška Kuchařová, MD, née Krajtlová, Znojmo Hospital
  • Jiří Mach Award: Martina Kosinová, MD,

Kosinova M, Stourac P, Harazim H, Janku P, Huser M, Vohanka S. Anaesthesia and Orphan Disease: Rocuronium and Sugammadex in the Anaesthetic Management of a Parturient with Becker’s Myotonia Congenita. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2016 Jul;33(7):545–547. (IF 3.57, Q1 according to WoS in the Anesthesiology category)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2016: 3rd place – Dominika Machajdíková, Deana Slovjaková, Jan Oplt
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2016: 7th place – Michal Vondráček, Tereza Novotná, Pavla Miřátská
  • Biskupice Student Marathon 2016: 3rd place – Tereza Ondráčková, Václav Vafek, Miroslav Keselica, Tereza Dočekalová
  • Biskupice Student Marathon 2016: 7th place – Michal Vondráček, Milan Fiala, Min Kim
  • Biskupice Student Marathon 2016: 9th place – Eva Klabusayová, Adéla Kleinová, Marta Juřeníková, Radka Kadlčíková
  • Jiří Mach Award: Jozef Klučka, MD, Kateřina Růžková, MD

KLUČKA, Jozef, et al. Controversies in Pediatric Perioperative Airways. BioMed Research International, 2015, 2015. (IF 2.134)

RUZKOVA, Katerina, et al. Anesthesia and Organic Acidosis: Is the Use of Lactated Ringer’s Solution Absolutely Contraindicated? Pediatric Anesthesia, 2015, 25.8: 807–817. (IF 2.082)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2015: 1st place – Zuzana Markuseková, Jakub Kazda, Tomáš Kabut
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2015: 4th place – Kamil Vrbica, Markéta Kleinová, Lucie Janalíková


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2014: 4th place – Zuzana Markuseková, Jana Polášková, Erika Jamrichová
  • Biskupice Student Marathon 2014: 1st place – Tomáš Kabut, Jakub Kazda, Jan Richter, Kamil Vrbica
  • Dvořáček Award ČSARIM: Petr Štourač, MD, PhD

STOURAC, Petr, et al. Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery in the Czech Republic: A 2011 National Survey. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2015, 120(6): 1303–1308. (IF 3.827)


  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC RR 2013: 4th place – Zuzana Markuseková, Barbora Malovaná, Nicole Marková
  • Health Fortress Boyard: 1st place – Mentolky – Marek Čierny, Kateřina Jedličková, Zuzana Markuseková, Pavla Pochylá


  • Kalenda Award ČSARIM: Prof. Dr. Pavel Ševčík, CSc.

ŠEVELA, Kamil; ŠEVČÍK, Pavel; et al. Acute Intoxication and Drug-Induced Injuries in Intensive Care Medicine. Grada, 2011.

  • 56th Student Scientific Conference: 1st place – Eliška Kuchařová – Implementation of a Monitoring and Treatment System for Postoperative Pain after Cesarean Section (Supervisors: Petr Štourač, MD, and Petr Janků, MD, PhD
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR 2013: 3rd place – Martina Kosinová, Eliška Kuchařová, Zuzana Markuseková
  • Best Electronically Published Work and Tool in the Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Teachers’ Competition: Interactive Algorithms for Teaching Selected Topics in Acute Medicine


  • 55th Student Scientific Conference – Internal Medicine Section: 2nd place – Marta Stodůlková (5th year) and Hana Suchomelová (6th year, General Medicine) – Use of Remifentanil in Obstetric Analgesia (Supervisors: Petr Štourač, MD, and Martin Huser, MD, PhD)
  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR: 2nd place – Elena Krátka, Martina Kosinová, Zuzana Markuseková
  • Best Paper in the Free Communications Category, XVIII ČSARIM Congress: 1st place – Parturient-Controlled Obstetric Analgesia with Remifentanil as an Alternative to Epidural Analgesia – H. Suchomelová, P. Štourač, M. Stodůlková, I. Křikava, M. Huser, P. Janků, R. Gál, P. Ševčík


  • Kalenda Award ČSARIM: Prof. Pavel Ševčík, MD, CSc.

MÁLEK, Jiří, ŠEVČÍK, Pavel; et al. Treatment of Postoperative Pain. Published by Mladá fronta.

  • Rallye Rejvíz MUC.RR: 3rd place – Zuzana Ďurišová, Pavla Filipcová, Martina Kosinová


  • Best Paper in the Free Communications Category – Anesthesiology, XVI ČSARIM Congress: for a set of projects centered on the AKUTNE.CZ portal, including:

“New Interactive Multimedia Algorithms – WWW.AKUTNE.CZ”
“The Role of Multimedia Broadcasts from Operating Rooms in the Teaching of Anesthesiology”