Craniocerebral Trauma

In the early morning hours EMS finds a man lying under the stairs of his house. He is somnolent, disoriented, with delayed reaction time and noticeable fetor ex ore. He does not respond to voice but response to pain is preserved with retraction and slight opening of the eyes. His breathing is noisy with apnoic pauses. He has several scratches on his head and about 5 cm in a diameter large laceration in the occipital area. The patient is driven to the emergency department. During the transport his conciousness worsens rapidly. The pacient is hand overed to you - the on-call doctor. What will you do?
15 /min
52 /min
86 %
180/90 (120) mmHg
Does not respond to voice but response to pain is preserved with retraction and slight opening of the eyes. His breathing is noisy with apnoic pauses.