Poisoning by an unknown plant

In case of suspicion of poisoning by an unknown herb or medication, it is very important to react quickly and thoroughly take an anamnesis and, if possible, secure samples of the possible source of poisoning. If we suspect poisoning, we can contact the Toxicology Information Center, where they will give us recommendations for further treatment. In our algorithm, you can try to recognize the symptoms of poisoning with the most dangerous European herb.

cardiac glycosides
Published at: 1.7.2024


The described situation is not unrealistic, and the authors have chosen well in terms of didactic and logistical test questions.
The solution encourages you to always take an active and correct approach to a sudden change in health status, nota bene of an elderly person, and not trivialize the situation by leaving the affected person at home, even without supervision.
At the same time, the method of transport by EMS is instructive, given that the condition of the disabled person can change even in a matter of minutes.
In the event of a sudden and significant worsening of the condition, transport to the hospital in one's own car and the solution to this situation would certainly be very uncomfortable for non-professionals and with possible risks for the patient himself.




JAHODÁŘ, Luděk. Rostliny způsobující otravy. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, nakladatelství Karolinum, 2018. ISBN 978-80-246-4050-1.

Learning targets

1. The student is able to identify the intoxicated patient and provide adequate pre-hospital care
2. The student knows the symptoms of cardenolide poisoning.
3. The student knows the therapeutic approach to cardenolide intoxication.

Key points

1. Cardenolide poisoning is characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, restlessness, disorientation, agitation, visual disturbances, scotomas, sometimes diplopia, convulsions.
2. Cardiac symptoms - bradycardia, ventricular extrasystoles and bigemia, ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, atrial blocks.
3. Think about the possibility of poisoning in patients with unclear symptoms.

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