Child abuse and neglect syndrome

Vladislav Nezval, MD, Kateřina Popková, MD, Sylwia Pycz, Barbora Horniaková. Illustration: Horniaková Barbora, Bukasová Veronika

Child abuse and neglect syndrome represent a serious problem, based on harsh, refusing or humiliating attitude towards the child. However, the form of the abuse doesn´t always have to be the physical one. The diagnostics, social and law aspects of the CAN syndrome remain very problematic, nevertheless, every doctor should be able to recognise the red flags and clinical symptoms of the CAN and to proceed adequately in this kind of situations. 

child abuse and neglect syndrome
physical abuse
mental abuse
CAN protocol
social institutions
notification obligation
medical confidentiality
children's rights
Published at: 1.6.2023


Luděk Ryba, MD
Head of Department, Department of Pediatrics, Orlickoústecká Hospital, Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic

Child Abuse Syndrome (CAN) is defined as the impairment of a child's physical, psychological, and social well-being and development, resulting from any non-accidental actions by parents or other adults that are unacceptable in society. The symptoms of CAN arise from active harm or inadequate care. The adult perpetrator here exploits physical force or psychological dominance and power over the child, who is subordinate and dependent.

According to the Health Committee of the Council of Europe in 1992, the following categories are included in the CAN syndrome: psychological and physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, bullying, systemic abuse, secondary victimization, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The common denominator in all these phenomena is that the child is harmed, suffers psychologically or physically, and their further development is endangered.

It is reported that in the Czech Republic, as in other European countries, around 1-2% of children, or twenty to forty thousand children under the age of fifteen, suffer from CAN syndrome. The majority of abused children are under six years old. Infants and toddlers are most commonly victimized. According to experts, both boys and girls are equally affected by neglect and abuse. It is estimated that at least fifty children die each year in our country due to the consequences of abuse and neglect, while thousands suffer lifelong consequences.

The most common perpetrator of abuse is usually a man, typically the child's biological or stepfather. In such situations, mothers often assume the role of passive participants, tolerating the violent treatment of the child for various reasons. Women, as perpetrators, more often engage in neglecting the care of the child.

From the above, it is clear that penetrating the pathological family system where child abuse occurs is difficult. The signs, often vague and ambiguous, are often obscured and concealed by the participants in the abuse (perpetrators, witnesses, and victims) for various motives. Discovering the truth often requires significant experience, sensitivity, patience, instinct, and courage. The following case studies present characteristic manifestations and connections that should not escape our attention.


SVOBODA, Mojmír, Dana KREJČÍŘOVÁ a Marie VÁGNEROVÁ. Psychodiagnostika dětí a dospívajících. 4th ed. Praha: Portál, 2021. ISBN 978-80-262-1851-7.

POPELOVÁ Eliška, Martin KYNČL a Šárka ŠPECIÁNOVÁ. Postavme se na stranu dětí. Doporučení pro využití zobrazovacích metod při podezření na týrané dítě. [online]. Prague, 2021;  ISBN 978-80-907347-3-9 [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:

AKUTNĚ.CZ - VI. ročník konference Dětské polytrauma. AKUTNĚ.CZ Úvod [online]. [cit. 28.03.2023].  Available at:

BISKUP, Pavel. Diagnostika syndromu týraného, zneužívaného a zanedbávaného dítěte – doporučený postup určený lékařům primární péče. Pediatr. pro Praxi, 2001; 4: 164-168 [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:

NEDOROST, Erik, et al. Shaken Baby Syndrome. Pediatrie pro Praxi, 2020; 21(2): 107-12 [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:

HAVRÁNEK, Petr, Helena HOMOLKOVÁ a Pavel TOMEK. Syndrom třeseného dítěte a jeho chirurgické aspekty. Pediatrie pro Praxi. 2012;13(2):76-78. [cit. 28.03.2023].  Available at:

359/1999 Sb. Zákon o sociálně-právní ochraně dětí. Zákony pro lidi – Sbírka zákonů ČR v aktuálním konsolidovaném znění [online]. AION CS, s.r.o. 2010 [cit. 19.03.2023]. Available at:

Formy náhradní rodinné péče. Průvodce [online]. [cit. 19.03.2023]. Available at:

Metodické opatření Postup praktických lékařů pro děti a dorost při podezření na týrané, zneužívané a zanedbávané dítě (syndrom CAN). Ministerstvo zdravotnictví [online]. 2022. [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:

Oddělení sociálně – právní ochrany dětí – PSP – portál sociální péče ve městě Brně. [online]. Copyright © Statutární město Brno [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:

Kdo je to poručník, opatrovník, pěstoun, osvojitel - Bezplatná právní poradna online zdarma pro všechny. [online]. Copyright © [cit. 28.03.2023]. Available at:




Learning targets

1.The student is aware of the risk factors for child abuse syndrome and its clinical symptoms for early diagnosis and initiation of social investigation.
2.The student knows the algorithm of physical and paraclinical examinations used within the diagnostic protocol of Child Abuse and Neglect syndrome.
3.The student understands the social and legal aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect syndrome.
4.The student is familiar with the basic clinical skills for communicating with the patient and their family members when suspecting Child Abuse and Neglect syndrome.

Key points

1. The major forms of the CAN syndrome are physical, mental abuse, bullying, sexual abuse, neglecting, systemic abuse, secondary victimisation and Münchhausen syndrome by proxy.
2. A physician has a notification obligation as soon as they suspect Child Abuse and Neglect syndrome. Failure to report or prevent abuse is a criminal offense.
3.The main documents protecting and governing children's rights are the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child from 1959, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 1989, Article 32 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

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