
The times we live in bring with them almost unlimited travel opportunities. It is this fact that can cause the spread of a highly contagious disease in our extremities. Such a situation affects not only doctors and paramedics, but also other units of the Integrated Rescue System. The algorithm offers the opportunity to look under the hood of how to deal with an extraordinary situation with a suspected presence of a highly contagious disease, from emergency calls and pre-hospital care to clean-up operations.

highly contagious disease
integrated rescue system
action plan
virus Ebola
Published at: 6.8.2020


Jana Vidunová, MD, MBA, LLM
Chief Physician, Deputy Director for Crisis Management and Education, Emergency Medical Service of Pilsen Region, Pilsen, Czech Republic

The interactive algorithm reflects the procedures associated with solving the problem of highly dangerous infection, specifically the Action Plan of the components of the Integrated Rescue System during a joint intervention 16A - Extraordinary event with a suspicion of highly contagious disease in a medical facility or other premises. The case clearly describes the steps in the form of the first call of a patient with a serious illness to the emergency line, pre-hospital emergency care (including sending a field group), basic monitoring and care of a patient with these symptoms. In the individual steps, it is possible to trace the complexity of the entire system, individual links and communication channels. The algorithm is proof that it is necessary to have developed procedures for exceptional situations similar to this. Improvisation would be difficult to imagine. The reason is that in dealing with similar situations, the number of health care professionals and non-health professionals involved is not small and some entities are not used to working together on a regular basis. The need for self-protection and the key role of the Public Health Protection Authority are intertwined throughout the process. The equipment of special teams (sometimes referred to as BHT, other times referred to as special activities teams) is clearly shown in the accompanying figures. The hint in the individual nodes of the algorithm contains a lot of useful additional information, which is certainly still unknown to many healthcare professionals. Finally, it should be recalled that the pandemic of the disease caused by the new type of coronavirus in 2020 showed that biological risks need to be given more attention to the preparedness of individual systems. Fortunately, in the case of this pandemic, we are not talking about a highly contagious disease. For these reasons, I consider the emergence of a new interactive algorithm to be extremely beneficial.


2018 Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola Outbreak Map [online]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevetion, 2020 [cit. 15.6.2020]. Available at:

Dokumentace IZS [online]. Hasičský záchranný sbor České republiky, 2020 [accessed 1.6.2020]. Available at:

Ebola (Ebola virus dinase) [online]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevetion, 2020 [accessed 15.6.2020]. Available at:

First FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of Ebola virus disease, marking a critical milestone in public health preparedness and response [online]. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2019 [accessed 1.6.2020]. Available at:

Kompletní ochranné vybavení proti VNN [online]. Zdravotnická záchranná služba Plzeňského kraje [accessed 15.6.2020]. Available at:

Soubor typové činnosti 05/IZS Nález předmětu s podezřením na přítomnost B-agens nebo toxinů

Soubor typové činnosti 16A/IZS Mimořádná událost s podezřením na výskyt vysoce nakažlivé nemoci ve zdravotnickém zařízení nebo v ostatních prostorech

Vyhláška č. 240/2012 Sb., kterou se provádí zákon o zdravotnické záchranné službě

Vyhláška č. 328/2001 Sb., vyhláška Ministerstva vnitra o některých podrobnostech zabezpečení integrovaného záchranného systému

Vyhláška č. 55/2011 Sb., o činnostech zdravotnických pracovníků a jiných odborných pracovníků

Zákon č. 239/2000 Sb., o integrovaném záchranném systému a o změně některých zákonů

Zákon č. 258/2000 Sb., o ochraně veřejného zdraví a o změně některých souvisejících zákonů

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