You are an anaesthetist and you get a call from the doctor from the infectious disease department. He says that his patient Mr. Jones, who was admitted with a positive PCR test for COVID-19, has finding of acute appendicitis. Surgeon indicated the patient for laparoscopic appendectomy. At the moment, the patient has O2 therapy by nasal prongs 2l/min, he is cardiopulmonary stable. You contact anaesthesiology nurse and team of operating room. How will you prepare the operating room?
PA: HT on ACEI medication, operation: ASC of the knee (GA without any complications)
sickness: dry cough for 3 days, temperature 38 °C, now 37.8 °C, admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and mild respiratory insufficiency, oxygenotherapy 2L/min PhA: Perindopril allergies: PNC
weight: 70 KG, hight: 185 CM USG description: wide appendix with tissue leakage, loose liquid around caecum, painful when pressure of probe applied, summary: appendicitis finding