Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
Mr. Novák (55 years old, smoker) is admitted to the surgical ward. He has been diagnosed with colorectal adenocarcinoma in the region of colon descendens and indicated for resection. The patient has been selected for the programme ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery). The ERAS protocol focuses on prehabilitation of the patient, preoperative counseling about the surgical and anaesthetic procedures, possible complications and early postoperative care. It is generally accepted that preoperative medical optimization is necessary before surgery, so Mr. Novák had been advised to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before surgery and reduce alcohol consumption. How will his preoperative preparation look like?
rythm: sinus
action: regular
frequency: 68 bpm
axis: 45°
PR: 150 ms
QRS: 90 ms
QT: 340 ms