Venous catheterization is one of the most basic skills necessary for providing any further health care. Due to lack of knowledge and experience the patient may be endangered both during the procedure itself and by incorrect decisions and following complications as well. Our algorithm deals with all three basic methods for obtaining a venous acces in a model situation, where those are used sequentially considering current indications and contraindications. Essential technical approaches are depicted in step-by-step description for each method.
Interactive algorithm 'Invasive venous catheterization of critical patient' is a comprehensive guide describing course of action for venous catheterization, stressing the correct technique for each method. The emphasis is also put on the intraosseous catheterization as the method of choice when the peripheral venous cannulation is not possible in the field. Emergency department subsequently enables us to cannulate the central vein using ultrasound guided technique. This algorithm describes the roles of aforementioned methods of venous catheterization and their practical use during the care of critical patient.
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