Triage and hospital surge plan

The term 'mass-casualty incident' indicates any situation in which the number and severity of casualties exceed accessible medical resources. To ensure the best efficiency it is essential to quickly distinguish life-threatening injuries and determine the priority of treatment and transport of the wounded as well as to differentiate patients who cannot be saved. To facilitate the process, we can use one of several triage models (e.g. Triage and identification tags which evaluate victim's respiration, circulation and state of consciousness). In this algorithm, one can try to treat basic types of injuries caused in a multiple-vehicle collision.

traffic collision
triage and identification tag
mass casualty incident
Published at: 25.5.2017


Rudolf Zvolánek, MD, MHA
Doctor of air medical services, South Moravia regional emergency medical services, Brno, Czech Republic

The problematics of urgent medicine characterised by a large number of injured in one incident, has its own specifics. It is not possible to follow common schemes of examination and treatment used in standard conditions. Cooperation of all sections of emergency services and hospitals is important for providing the necessary urgent medical care. The objective is to minimalise both health and material consequences of the mass casualty incident. The authors of this learning material have purported to clarify the differences in providing medical care in aforementioned exceptional circumstances.


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