Drug intoxication

The wrong therapeutic approach in some cases of drug intoxication can cause worse consequences than the intoxication itself and therefore it is important to think of the drug intoxication in terms of differencial diagnosis. Our algorithm describes the diagnosis and possible solutions of complications caused by the intoxication with recreational drugs.

tonic–clonic seizure
Published at: 26.6.2014


Petr Popov, MD, MHA
Chief of Clinic of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague; General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic

The issue of acute conditions surrounding the use of drugs is increasingly confronting not only specialists in addiction treatment centers. The use of recreational drugs is widespread and intoxications with these agents may be life-threatening. Most frequent drugs are cannabinoids, hallucinogens and particularly dangerous stimulant drugs or combinations thereof. It is crucially important to provide fast and adequate technical assistance by every doctor. Interactive algorithm Drug Intoxication is a tutorial that provides quality training to deal with these situations by solving different scenarios truly imitating the real situation. The logical decision algorithm presents solutions to critical issues, in practice often determining whether intoxicated person survives. The whole chain of steps is handled professionally and technically absolutely precisely.


KALINA, Kamil. Klinická adiktologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. Psyché (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-4331-8. Medical tribune: aktuální - nezávislá - mezinárodní. Praha: Medical Tribune CZ, 2004-, 2008(25). ISSN 1214-8911. Dostupné také z: http://kramerius.medvik.cz

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